Discuss the Philosophic Theory of the Traditional Culture-"One divided into Three"
中文关键词:  传统文化,一分为三,天人合一,中庸,守中,中道
English Keywords:traditional culture,one divided into three,unanimity of heaven and a king,Golden mean,to keep what is in the heart,mathyamapratipad.
Fund Project:
ZHOU De-yi
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      中国传统文化 ,儒家之无过、无不及的中庸之道 ,道家之无为无所不为的守中精神和佛家取中道之不偏不执非有非无的境界 ,以及儒佛道三位一体所构成的天人合一的基本的价值取向和伦理道德 ,无不包含着丰富的一分为三的辩证思维。至此得知 ,“一分为三”的关系式包括三种 :一是“一生二 ,二生三”式 ;二是“天人合一”或对立统一式 ;三是“一而三 ,三而一”式。
English Summary:
      The China traditional culture,snch as the Golden mean of "the actionless ness and stop at nothing" in the confusion school, the soul of "keeping what is in the heart of Tao never done yet through it all things are done", the realm of "the evenhanded ness, which comes from Buddhism' mathyamapratipad", and the basic moral standards of behavior and moral principles of unanimity of heaven and a king in the Confusing ,the Buddhism and the Taoism, all have the abundant dialectical ideology of "one divided into three".In conclusion, "one divided into three" includes three kinds of relationship.The first is "the One gave birth successively to two things, three things", the second is "unanimity of heaven and a king" or oppose and unify and the third is "One into Three, Three into One".
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