Consumption Culture and Economic Augmentation
中文关键词:  消费文化,经济增长,需求
English Keywords:consumption culture,economic augmentation,demand
Fund Project:
LIAO Bi-bo
摘要点击次数: 952
全文下载次数: 2
      消费需求是经济增长的决定性因素 ,消费需求的疲软制约了我国经济的发展。解决消费需求问题 ,经济手段已失灵 ,更深层次的原因是消费文化。我国消费文化滞后于经济与市场的发展 ,成为制约经济发展的瓶颈因素 ,需要政府、生产者和消费者共同努力 ,创造、培育、规范新型的消费文化 ,并刻不容缓
English Summary:
      Consumption demand is a decisive factor for economic augmentation. If it were stagnant, the development of economy in our country would be restricted. The economic solution to consumption demand are out of function, for which the deep reason is consumption culture. Consumption culture lags much behind the development of economy and market; thus, it becomes a restrictive factor for the economic development. So, it is high time for the government, manufacturers and consumers to co-operate to create, foster and regulate a new model of consumption culture.
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