The Opportunity and Challenge of Chinese Higher Education after WTO Entry
中文关键词:  高等教育,WTO,改革
English Keywords:higher education,WTO,reform
Fund Project:
HUANG Jian-mei
摘要点击次数: 975
全文下载次数: 2
      “入世”既为我国高等教育提供了广阔的发展空间 ,同时又使我国面临着严峻的人才挑战。与许多发达国家相比 ,我国高等教育在通用性、交流性、开放性等方面做得远远不够 ,在当今全球人才竞争激烈的形势下 ,中国高等教育所培养的知识单一的传统型人才已无法适应经济全球化与知识经济发展的需要 ,树立向全球开放的办学观点 ,创新教学观 ,调整人才培养规格是我国高等教育发展的必由之路。
English Summary:
      China has been a member of World Trade Organization ,which brings new opportunity for the development of Chinese Higher Education as well as the challenge . Compared with many developed countries , the total level of Chinese Higher Education is lower. The traditional personal training can't satisfy the demands of economic globalization .It's necessary for Chinese Higher Education to set up new view of opening to the world, reform the education method and change the standard of talented person.
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