To Construct an Intelligent Navigation System and Speed up Access to the Network information Resources
中文关键词:  因特网,导航系统,搜索引擎,智能,专题
English Keywords:internet,navigation system,Search engine,intelligence,special
Fund Project:
ZHANG Zhong-hui  WAN Jian-jun  HU Zhong-hong
摘要点击次数: 775
全文下载次数: 2
      作为“第四媒体”的因特网以其丰富的信息资源越来越受到人们的关注 ,而目前综合性因特网搜索引擎并不能解决网上信息的无序与混乱 ,因此 ,利用目前已有的计算机技术、网络技术、人机工程和信息加工技术来建立一种智能专业导航系统 ,更能揭示深层次网上信息 ,满足广大科研工作者的需要 ,从而加速网上资源有序化进程。
English Summary:
      As "the fourth media", the Internet is drawing more and more people's attention with its rich information resources.The present general internet search engines,however, are unable to solve the disorder and confusion of the information on the Internet.It is, therefore, necessary to use the existing computer technology, network technology, human-computer engineering and information processing technology to construct a special intelligent navigation system in order to organize information in a more meaningful fashion with a quicker response time. This will meet the needs of scientific researcher and speed up access to network information resources.
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