Sad loss with Great Surprise
中文关键词:  刘醒龙,《痛失》,县乡官场腐败,政治体制改革
English Keywords:Liu Xing Nong,"Sad Loss",the corruption in official circles,political system reform
Fund Project:
LUO Yu-cheng
摘要点击次数: 1059
全文下载次数: 3
      《痛失》真实地描写了县乡官员的腐败行为 ,深刻地揭示了他们的道德水准 ,以民为本的灵魂和人的良知的痛失及其原因。从而启示我们 ,必须重视县乡政权建设 ,加强对县乡领导干部的监督、管理和教育 ;必须从政治体制改革的高度来看待反腐倡廉问题。
English Summary:
      Sad Loss" depicts the corrupted action of county officials and discloses the loss of morality, people-centred spirit and intuitive knowledge and its reason. It's a great inspiration to us that we should pay attention to the construction of county political power, strengthen the supervision, mangement and education of the officials. We must treat the problem of anti-corruption and honest and clean government from the high point of the political system reform.
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