The Governmental Behaviour and the Industrial Development during the Period of the Northern Warlords
中文关键词:  北洋军阀统治时期,工业,发展,政府行为
English Keywords:the period of the Northern Warlords,industry,development,the governmental behaviour,
Fund Project:
SU Quan-you  ZHANG Jian-hai
摘要点击次数: 1171
全文下载次数: 2
      北洋军阀统治时期工业的发展与北洋政府的政策倾向有关 ,其具体内容有 :一、解除了对民间兴办工业企业的限制 ;二、对工矿业者采取保护和奖励政策 ;三、对新办企业实行保息和补助政策 ;四、对民族工业产品及所有原料实行减免捐税政策 ;五、劝导创办实业 ,鼓励利用外资
English Summary:
      The industrial development during the period of the Northern Warlords was related to the policy trend of the Northern Government. The detailed content of the policy were: 1.get rid of the limitation of nongovernmental enterprises; 2.protect and encourage mining industry; 3.subsidize and insure the interests of the new enterprises, 4.decrease or dispense the taxation of the national industrial products and all raw materials; 5.advise setting up large-scale business and encourage using foreign investment.
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