The Folk Religion and the Secret Mass Organizations of Modern Chinese Politic
中文关键词:  近代,政治,民间宗教,秘密结社
English Keywords:modern,politic,folk relgion,secret mass organizations,
Fund Project:
ZHOU Hui-xiang
摘要点击次数: 920
全文下载次数: 3
      民间宗教是生活在社会底层的广大民众共有或相通的宗教情感与心理 ,秘密结社是清中叶以来不断发展壮大的民间社会团体。它们在近代社会历史事件中有各种突出表现。从第一次鸦片战争开始 ,近代中国历史发展与民间宗教和秘密结社的关系就十分密切 ,宗教与社会政治呈现出前所未有的紧密联系 ,任何民间的民众的群体活动 ,尽管表现形式上有秘密结社的方式 ,但宗教无一例外不是作为重要的思想武器而发挥作用。
English Summary:
      The folk religion was the religious emotion and psychology shared by mass people living at the bottom of society. The secret mass organizations were the folk organizations developing from the middle of Qing Dynasty. They were prominent in modern historical events. From the First Opium War,the historical development of Modern China was closely related to the folk religion and the secret mass organizations. The religion and the social politic appeared to be inseparable hither-to unknown. Though the manifestation of the folk activities were secret mass organizations, the religion was used as an important ideological weapon undoubtedly.
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