Knowledge Management and Enterprise Organization Creativity
中文关键词:  知识管理,组织创新,企业全球战略
English Keywords:knowledge management,enterprise organization creativity,enterprise global strategy
Fund Project:
MAO Tai-tian  LIU Bing-yan
摘要点击次数: 914
全文下载次数: 2
      知识管理是当代企业经营的主线 ,须突破传统管理模式 ,实施“三C”创新模式 ;知识管理要求企业实施全球战略具有国际感觉和全球视野以适应经济全球化浪潮 ,运用知识管理目的是要催生成长大批中国工业骄子 ,故企业须加速转向科技投入主体 ,技术开发要瞄准高新技术 ,技术创新要转向知识创新
English Summary:
      The knowledge management is the main argument of the enterprise operation in this era. It must break throngh the traditional management model and carry out the "3C" creativity model. The knowledge management requires the enterprise carry out the global strategy and possess the global sensation and the global vision, in order to adapt the global economical tide. The goal of applying the knowledge management is urging lots of favorite Chinese industries to grow up, so enterprises must accelerate to turn to science and technology and participate the subject. The technologlcal development should aim to high and new technology. The technological creativity should change to knowledge creativity.
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