On the Internal Real Right of Economic Law
中文关键词:  经济法律,人,劳动力,所有权
English Keywords:economic law,human being,labour,ownership,
Fund Project:
CHEN Nai-xin  LU Ke-jian  PENG Fei-rong
摘要点击次数: 925
全文下载次数: 2
      马克思剩余价值论指出 :“活劳动是剩余价值的唯一源泉”。而人是产生活劳动的劳动力的天然所有者 ,因而创设经济法之内物权 (人对其劳动力的所有权 ) ,既具有坚实的经济理论基础 ,又有现实的必要性和理论上、法律上的可行性 ,而且在法律上确认经济法之内物权 ,使投劳者得以之对抗投资者纯粹以资本所有权无偿取得剩余价值 (并不衙认投资者之内物权。重构投资者与投资者的利润分配关系。这对于突破我国企业立法中民法物权理论局限性所带来的立法上的局限性 ,创新企业立法 ,从而解决我国企业产权不清、国有资产流失和企业活力不足的问题 ,具有重大的理论和现实意义。
English Summary:
      It is pointed out that living labour is the only source of Surplus value in the surplus Value Theory of Marx.Human being is the natural owner of labour.There are solid basis,real necessity and theoretical feasibility for creating internal real right(the ownership of labour) of economic law. Furthermore,if the internal real right is affirmed in legal form,the labourers can resist capitalists who obtain surplus value gratis purely through the ownership of capital.The relationship of profit distribution between labourers and capitalists should be reconstructed,which is very meaningful for breaking through the limitation of legislation owing to the limitation of civil law and bringing forth new ideas in the legislation of enterprises.Then the problems such as the indistinction in property rights,the drain of state-owned assets and the lack of vigour in enterprises,can be solved.
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