The Thoughts of Ye Shi in "Ting Dui
中文关键词:  治理,制度,弊政,选拔,官吏
English Keywords:administer,system,maladministration,select,government officials
Fund Project:
ZHU Jin-rong
摘要点击次数: 917
全文下载次数: 1
      治国安邦是历代政治家涉及的永恒话题 ,北宋的积贫积弱曾引发当时许多政治家诸如王安石、富弼、范仲淹等为之思索、呼吁、奔走 ,继北宋之后 ,南宋偏安一隅也难以保全的危势 ,更不能不令一时的志士仁人忧心焦思 ,他们希望通过自己设计的政治理念和付之实施的具体行动 ,来达到富国强兵的目的 ,叶适的《庭对》就是当时治理国家的良好政治构思。
English Summary:
      The eternal subject of politicians' talk is how to run the country well and give the people peace and security.The extreme poverty and weakness at the time of Northern Song Dynasty caused a lot of politicians such as Wang Anshi,Fu Bi and Fang Zhongyan to think,appeal and go around.Though Southern Song following Northern Song was content to exercise sovereighty over only a part of the country, it was difficult to preserve the country. People with high ideal,were heavyhearted by this dangerous situation.They hoped to make their country rich and build up its military might through the political thoughts and the concrete action they made by themselves."Ting Dui"written by Ye Shi was the good political conception of administering the country at that time.
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