On the Cultural Affinity Between China and Russia
中文关键词:  中俄文化,亲和力,国民性,农耕文化
English Keywords:the cultures between China and Russia,the affinity,national nature,farming cultures,
Fund Project:
LUO Xiao-hui
摘要点击次数: 926
全文下载次数: 2
      中俄文化亲和的主要因素有封建专制主义传统和集体主义及实用主义观念的同一 ;民本思想与民粹主义主旨的一致 ;民族心理都具有强烈的内省与忧患意识。中俄文化亲和力的深度和强度决定了中国社会选择外来文化的取向。
English Summary:
      The primary factors which lead to the harmonious cultural affinity between China and Russia are:the sameness in the tradition of feudal autocracy and the concept of collectivism and pragmatism,the conformity in People-Center Thought and the gist of Populism,strong introspection and suffering consciousness in national psychology.The depth and strength of the cultural affinity between China and Russia decide the trend of China's Society on how to choose the foreign cultures.
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