An Introduction to Huang Zhong-xi''''s Enlightening Thoughts of Society
中文关键词:  黄宗羲,社会启蒙思想,概论
English Keywords:Huang Zhong-xi,enlightening thughts of society,introduction,
Fund Project:
DENG Luo-qun
摘要点击次数: 794
全文下载次数: 2
      黄宗羲的社会启蒙思想 ,以批判君主专制和追求民主政治为主要特征。它是中国明清之际资本主义萌芽在思想意识形态领域中的反映 ,实质上是一种具有代表意义的新兴市民阶层民主思想。尽管囿于时代的局限 ,黄宗羲尚未能提出废除君主专制制度的主张 ,但他对君主专制制度的批判和对未来社会制度的设想 ,已开导了中国近代资产阶级民主改良主义之先河。黄宗羲的社会启蒙思想 ,堪称中国近代思想的起点和划分中国古代政治思想史新旧两个阶段的界标。
English Summary:
      The main character of Huang zhongxi's enlightening thoughts of society was to criticize autocratic monarchy and persue democratic politic. It was a mirror of the seeds of capitalism at the time of Ming and Qing Dynasty, and in fact a democratic thought of the new and developing citizens with representative significance. Because the thoughts were constrained by the limitation of times, Huang zhongxi didn't put forward the view of abolishing autocratic monarhy.But the criticism of autocratic monarchy and the tentative idea of the social system in future initiated the bourgeoisie democratic reformism of modern China. Huang zhongxi's thoughts may be rated as the starting point of Chinese modern thoughts and the boundary line that divided the new and the old stages of ancient political thoughts of China.
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