Supply Chain Management to Mass Customization
中文关键词:  大规模定制,供应链管理,企业竞争力
English Keywords:mass customization,supply chain management,enterprise,competitive energy
Fund Project:
ZOU Guo-sheng  ZHOU Xiao-dong
摘要点击次数: 918
全文下载次数: 2
      面对日益强烈的个性化需求和激烈的市场竞争 ,人们提出了大规模定制 ,提出了供应链管理是大规模定制的具体实现途径。文章论述了供应链和供应链管理及其对于大规模定制的作用和地位 ,提出了面向大规模定制的供应链管理思想、方法和操作建议 ,旨在实现大规模定制 ,提升企业竞争力。
English Summary:
      Facing the increasing personal demands and radical competitive, Professionals put forward a notion of mass customization and that supply chain management is an actual way to realize mass customization. The paper discusses supply chain and supply chain management as well as its role and position to mass customization. It also sets for the supply chain management ideas, methods and operational suggestions facing mass customization to realize mass customization and therefore increase the competitive energy of an enterprise.
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