Analysis on the Insurance of New Stock Insurance and Stock Rations on the Publicly Owned
中文关键词:  上市公司,增发新股与配股,可持续成长,影响模型
English Keywords:the publicly owned,new stock insurance and stock rations,sustainable development,influential model.
Fund Project:
ZHU Kai-xi
摘要点击次数: 914
全文下载次数: 2
      增发新股与配股是上市公司在资本市场直接再融资的重要方式 ,对上市公司的可持续成长及改善上市公司质量具有十分重要的意义。文章讨论了增发新股与配股对上市公司盈利和每股收益成长的影响模型 ,并对增发新股与配股的相关影响进行了分析。在此基础上 ,对公司增发新股与配股的改革与规范提出了三点建议。
English Summary:
      New Stock Insurance and Stock rations are two important methods to directly circulate funds in the capital market. They play a key role on the sustainable development of the publicly owned and improve its quality. This study focuses on the influential model, which measures the effect of new stock insurnace and stock rations on the profit and EPS of the publicly owned. It also analyzes the things correlated with them. At last, we bring up three items of suggestions to the reform and regulation of new stock issuance and stock rations.
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