Analysis of Present Condition and Future Direction of Hospital Archives Management
中文关键词:  档案管理,现状分析,对策
English Keywords:archives management,analysis of present condition,future direction
Fund Project:
GAO Heng
摘要点击次数: 771
全文下载次数: 2
      当前医院档案管理仍有不尽人意之处 ,要搞好医院档案管理工作 ,在提高管理人员素质和强化全员档案意识的同时 ,要健全档案管理制度 ,建立档案管理的新模式 ,最重要的是改变重管轻用的现状 ,多途径地开发利用档案信息资源。此外 ,要强调管理现代化 ,不仅要设备配置现代化 ,还要管理标准规范化 ,管理技术及管理思想现代化。
English Summary:
      There are still some weaknesses on hospital archives management at present. To improve them, it is necessary for us to improve the qualities of managers and to build a new model of hospital archives management. It is most importance to change the present condition of good management but bad application and to utilize efficiently hospital archive resources. In addition, the equipment of management is not only modernized, but also technology and ideology of management are modernized.
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