Mao Ze Dong''''s Status As a leader and the Communist International around the Breakout of the War of Resistance against Aggression
中文关键词:  抗战,毛泽东,领导地位,共产国际,王明
English Keywords:war of resistance against aggression,Mao Ze Dong,status as a leader,the communist international,Wang Ming,
Fund Project:
ZOU Qiao-ling
摘要点击次数: 913
全文下载次数: 1
      抗战全面爆发前后 ,共产国际尽管在一些问题上对毛泽东存在着看法 ,但由于毛泽东正确地对待了共产国际指示 ,正确地处理了同共产国际的关系 ,共产国际最终作出了从组织上支持毛泽东为中共最高领导人的重大决策 ,从而使得毛泽东的领导地位在六届六中全会上得到了全党的承认。
English Summary:
      Just around the breakout of the war of resistance against aggression,although the communist international had some differences with Mao Ze Dong in some problems,because Mao dealt correctly with the directions of the communist international relationships,the communist international made an important policy that Mao became the top leader of the Chinese communist party,thus making Mao's status as a leader recongnized by the whole party on the sixth conference.
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