On Several Problems Urgenty to be Discussed about the Classfied Management of Medical Organizations
中文关键词:  医疗机构分类,区域卫生规划,医院基础重构
English Keywords:medical organization classifying,regional sanitary programs reconstruction of hospistal base
Fund Project:
LI Yu-chun
摘要点击次数: 717
全文下载次数: 2
      我国正在积极推动的医疗机构分类改革必须搞好与区域卫生规划的衔接 ,正确理解和把握非营利性医疗机构的主体和主导地位 ,牢记医疗卫生改革的宗旨。只有这样 ,我们才能科学确定现有公立医疗机构分类改造方略和非营利性医院的微观基础
English Summary:
      Our nation is now actively promoting the reform of medical organization classifying,in which it is necessary to connect it well with the regional sanitary programs,to correctly understand and grasp the main leading role of the non-profit-seeking medical organization,to remember well the purpose of the medical sanitary reform.Only in the way,the general reform folan of existing public medical organizations and the microbase of the non-profit-seeking hospital can be scientifically difined. [WT5HZ]
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