On the Combination of the Analysis of the Timely Producing System and the Value Chain in the Management of Strategic Cost
中文关键词:  战略成本管理,价值链,价值链分析,适时生产系统
English Keywords:the management of strategic cost,value chain,value chain analysis,timely producing system
Fund Project:
HUANG Zhen-wen  LI Yun-cai
摘要点击次数: 707
全文下载次数: 2
      战略成本管理中 ,价值链分析是其重要组成部分。而适时生产系统是伴随着新科学技术和现代管理思想而产生的新型作业管理制度 ,其中有大量科学的成本管理思想。价值链分析与适时生产系统相结合 ,将在企业的战略成本管理中起重要的作用。
English Summary:
      In the Management of Strategic Cost system,Value Chain Ananysis is an important part.With the new science and technology,the modern ideas on management come into being,Just-In-Time becomes a new assignment management system.It contains a great deal of scientific ideas on the management of cost .Combination of the Value Chain Analysis and the Just-In-Time will play an important role in the management of strategic cost in the enterprises.
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