Strategic Conception about the Continuous Development of Heng Yang Industry
中文关键词:  衡阳工业,可持续发展,战略构想
English Keywords:Heng yang industry,sustainable development,strategic design,
Fund Project:
XIAO Dong-sheng  REN De-xi  LIN Qiu  DENG Zhi-liang
摘要点击次数: 941
全文下载次数: 2
      近十年来 ,衡阳工业滑坡 ,多项指标在省内排位不断后移 ,因而 ,需要实行非均衡性发展 ,以科技创新为驱动力 ,培育新兴主导产业 ;确立环境成本和环境资源配置机制 ,以资本、资源为纽带 ,组建企业集团 ,以增强衡阳工业发展的潜质 ,加快其发展。
English Summary:
      In the past ten years, Hengyang industry has faced a difficult situation. Its multifarious indicators fell behind other cities of Hunnan province .Now it's the time for it to carry out unbalanced development and to cultivate the scientific and technological innovation. Establishing the mechanism of environmental cost and distribution of environmental resources, it can connect capital and resources to found enterprise group so that we could reinforce its development potentiality and accelerate its progress. [WT5HZ]
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