On the Position of the Government Functions of China in the Present Stage
中文关键词:  现阶段,中国,政府需求,政府职能,定位
English Keywords:at the present stage,China,government requirements,government functions,position
Fund Project:
ZHU Lu-min
摘要点击次数: 809
全文下载次数: 2
      现阶段中国政府职能如何定位 ,既是一个长期争论不休的理论问题 ,更是一个重大的现实问题 ,一切合理的政府行为不是理论设计的结果 ,而是社会发展客观要求的产物。文章以历史唯物主义的基本原理为指导 ,分别从市场经济正常运行、发展中国家特定发展阶段、公有制和体制转轨对政府的需求等不同侧面探讨中国政府职能的定位问题。
English Summary:
      How the Chinese government positions itself in the present stage is not only a theoretically contentious issue but a practically significant one needed to be settled immediately.All the reasonable actions of the government is not from the theoretical design, but from the requirements of the development of the society.Guided by the fundamentals of the historical materialism,the author discusses the government functions from different sides,such as the objective requirements for the government to keep the market economy operating normally,the specific period of the developing countries,the public ownership and the structural transformation.
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